Higher Educational Institution
044 242-24-46, office@nam.kyiv.ua

Semester has started, and we offer you some useful tips to make studying easier for you.




If you don't have time to write your lectures after the teacher, ask permission to record the lecture on a tape recorder and rewrite it later without mistakes, omissions, or abbreviations.


Ask! Why students are often embarrassed to ask again. Although some like to argue. It is easier for the instructor to explain so that everyone understands correctly than for the whole group to make the same mistakes.


Personally, I explain until there is a special "light" in the eyes of the student, when it becomes clear that further he can already cope.

In general, do not be shy to ask: a teacher, a salesperson or a loved one. Often our "thinking for ourselves" leads to the wrong conclusions and results, and also takes a lot of time.


 Reread the lectures before going to bed. It really works!!! What you read before going to bed is better remembered, so read the lecture once or several times and go to sleep. In the morning you will remember most of the material.


 If you don't understand a lecture, some concept, and you need to pass this information, watch similar materials on YouTube, where there are videos with a very clear and concise explanation!!! Or vice versa - you can watch whole documentaries on the necessary topic. This is both enjoyable and useful.


Expand your circle of acquaintances and friends: seniors will advise you, give you free notebooks, books, and notes.


And most importantly - do not show the teacher that you do not need his knowledge: it shows you with not very civilized side. Adult people and teachers also do a lot of things that may not inspire them very much, but they come to you to share knowledge, skills and definitely want you to succeed in life!

On December 18 there was an open lecture of an employer-stakeholder for applicants to OP Finance, Banking and Insurance and Accounting and Taxation from the Chairman of the Forward bank Dr. Kiselev Andrey Vasilyevich. At the invitation of the guarantor of one of the OP in the study course "Credit Management" were identified trends in the banking system of Ukraine and presented the prospects for development.


We thank Andrey Kiselev for support and participation in the training of future specialists.

17.12.2020 The "National Academy of Administration" held a round table on the theme: "Topical problems of combating military crime in Ukraine". Representatives of military formations of Ukraine, judicial authority, prosecutor's office of Ukraine, higher military educational institutions; scientists, who are interested in the issues related to the fight against military criminality, were invited to the round table.


A number of issues affecting the state of prevention of military criminal offenses related to criminal law, criminology, criminalistics, and criminal procedural law were discussed.


It is important to discuss the issue of reforming of military judicial and law enforcement bodies since the independence of Ukraine, their role in the prevention of war crimes and other offenses among military personnel.


During the work of the round table participants there was a presentation of the monograph "Qualification of military offenses under the legislation of Ukraine", the author of which is doctor of law, associate professor Nikolay Karpenko.

According to the results of the survey of applicants for all educational programs (full-time and part-time) in the 2019/2020 academic year, the best teachers-winners of the "Marigold" award were: Alexey Braslavets  - senior lecturer of the department of finance, accounting and fundamental economic disciplines; Evgeny Gida  - professor of theory and history of state and law; Tatiana Serkutan - assistant professor of marketing, economy, management and administration department; Irina Stuler   - professor of finance, accounting and fundamental economic disciplines.


We wish them good health, creative inspiration, energy and inspiration to implement the most ambitious plans and dreams! Due to quarantine restrictions, the awarding procedure will take place at the beginning of the new academic year.

Round table "EU Law"

On May 12, 2020 within the framework of the discipline "European Union Law" the Faculty of Law of the university "National Academy of Management" organized the round table discussion “European Law: independent legal system or regional variety of international law” Due to the extension of quarantine, the event was held online. Both higher education applicants and lecturers of the Academy joined the round table. Participants of the round table will receive a collection of materials and certificates.


The purpose of the event is to promote the development of legal science in Ukraine by identifying the scientific potential of young personnel among applicants for higher education and young scientists, as well as providing a free exchange of views, stimulating and supporting their research activities, promoting professional development and effective independent work.

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